The Free Planets' Alliance: Series 4

Dusty Attenborough

Dusty Attenborough

I received this cel during the LoGH panel at AX98. It's from the fourth series, episode 90.

Julian Minci

Julian Minci

Looks like Julian picked up more than strategy from Yang. From episode 88, when Julian is talking to Katerina von Kreutzer.

An Empty Teacup

An empty teacup

I can't explain why, but this is one of my favorite cels. From episode 101.

A cup of tea

This is the same cel as above, but with the second layer added. Is that cool, or what? The question is, is the cup half full or half empty? I got this cel from Animanga.

Job Truniht

Job Truniht

This is a cel from later in the series. It's got some damage - a tear. But it was the only cel of Truniht that I could find with his beady little eyes open. From episode 93.

Oliver Poplan and Dusty Attenborough

Oliver Poplan and Dusty Attenborough

"Attenborough, of all the guys in this series I'm one of the LAST ones you should be hitting on." ^_^

Ring around the Rosie!

Cazellnu's family

New! This is a drawing of Cazellnu's wife and two ... precocious... daughters. I know they're supposed to be cute and all, but I can't help thinking that the look on the mother's face is actually her thinking, "You two are never going to another adult party until you're both adults! Next time, BABYSITTER!!"

Tonight we're gonna party like it's...

Party on!

New! Nice generic party crowd scene. This is the background layer for the one of the kids running in circles around their mother. There are another couple of drawings from the same party in the "spoiler" section, but be warned, there's a reason they're there and not here.

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