Nintama Rantarou: Drawings Rantarou and Kirimaru

I've recently come into quite a few "genga" sets. These drawings contain some amazing and cute sequences! I've scanned a few of the best drawings from each sequence! The first few drawings I only scanned a single sheet from each set. The following sequences are separated into individual tables.

Lots of packages

This is a cute drawing of Doi-sensei and the three kids with a cart full of packages. Look at all the pretty colors! I'm sure I've seen this episode - I need to go back and figure out which one it was.


This is a nice drawing of Rantarou.


And a nice drawing of Shinbei.

Shinbei doesn't get it...again

Shinbei is trying, in his own way, to understand a concept that someone else has explained to him.


Another Shinbei, similar to the one above.

Rantarou and Kirimaru

Rantarou and Kirimaru look a little shocked. I scanned the yellow correction layer instead of the main drawing because it looks better.

Surrounded by Dokutake!

Evil Dokutake ninja leader Hieta Happousai and his lackys have surrounded Rantarou and Kirimaru! This is the "A1" layer of the sequence.

Rantarou and Kirimaru

And this is the B1 that goes with the drawing above!

Oh yeah!  We have swords!

Remembering that they are armed, Rantarou and Kirimaru whip out their swords and prepare to defend themselves!

Happousai's men move in

And in the A2 End layer, Happousai's men move in.


The Dokutake ninja show how not-threatened they are and beat up the two kids. Poor Rantarou and Kirimaru!

Orin, Doi, and Castella

Orin, Doi-sensei, and Castella the Portuguese merchant watch as...

Marching along

Rantarou, Kirimaru, and Shinbei walk by. I actually have a complete rough set of the walking motion of the three kids, and it's really cool to flip through them.


This is an amazing set of drawings! Rantarou has to fight a ninja while dressed in a tanuki costume. Another episode I know I've seen!


This sequence starts with Rantarou in a tanuki suit. Behind him he notices...

Is this a knife I see before me?

Kirimaru with a paper knife and ...


Shinbei, who reaches up toward the knife. Whatever they were talking about must have annoyed Rantarou because...

Rantarou screaming

Rantaoru runs back and starts yelling at them, and...


Kirimaru and Shinbei cower in fear of the wrath of Rantarou.

Ran and Shin run

Rantarou and Shinbei run along together. Rantarou's still wearing the tanuki suit.

Kiri runs, too

Right behind them is Kirimaru. Somebody must have said the magic word because...

Did someone mention money?

Kirimaru gets all excited at the thought of money!

Rantarou's tanuki suit

From the same episode as the one above. Rantarou face down as Happousai's hand pulls him up.


As the costume goes up, it gets all wavy and weird. I think this drawing is pretty spooky looking. Woooo.

Sweet tooth

And Rantarou's mouth is full of candy sticks. Kind of disturbing, isn't it?

Blank stare

This are three cute drawings in a sequence. First, a very typical looking, but very nice drawing of the threesome.

They didn't make the Vienna Boys Choir

They all open their mouths to say something.

Rantarou!  Did you do that?

Let's all stare at Rantarou! This is another where the yellow correction layer is much nicer than the original drawing.


This is a really cute scene with some really nicely colored drawings! First, Rantarou is running...


then he stops short...


And in the final cel he's staring at something in shock!


Kirimaru is right behind Rantarou...


comes running up behind him...


And he also falls over with a shocked expression!


One cel behind the other in the sequence, Mr. Castella enteres the scene...


And Castella is shocked too!

A pile of mikan

This is a pile of mikans (Japanese oranges) that Obachan gave to Gakuenchou. This was a tome cel in front of the action...

Hemu hemu!

Hemuhemu stuffs his face with mikans until...

The most frightening thing on this page

Gakuenchou-sensei's face appears and screams at him. In the complete sequence Hemuhemu cowers in fear and then falls off the side of the frame. I know I've seen this episode too!

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