Applying to join the DBML3


For those wanting more information about the application process to join the DBML3, I have written the following.

The purpose of the application letter is to test the ability of people to follow the directions properly. This is in order to weed out the people who invariably end up spamming the list with requests to unsubscribe (despite the fact that the instructions are written on every message that goes through the ML) and who don't understand basic netiquette. The previous list owner simply chose not to subscribe AOLers or anyone who used a free service provider such as Yahoo or Hotmail, but I didn't think that was fair to people who might be conscientious users of those services. So even though this is a LOT more work for me as the admin, I thought it would be more fair. It's basically a three-part test:

  1. To see if the user knows how to quote the original message in a response
  2. To see if the user can redirect mail to a different address (which is what a user must do in order to unsubscribe or to take a thread to private e-mail)
  3. To see if the user will actually read administrative e-mail and can find the information he or she needs such as the information about how to unsubscribe from the ML.

I'm only subscribing people who pass all three parts, evidenced by the following:

  1. User includes all or part of the original message in their reply
  2. User sends response to the correct address
  3. User correctly answers question number 2

The first question is used for my own record keeping, but it's the other parts of the e-mail that I'm using as a diagnostic to determine who will be a good ML member.

What follows is the text of the current DBML3 Application for Membership.

----Begin Message----

So you want to join the DBML3? Please read this entire message and answer the questions below in order to complete your application for membership. Please include this original message in your reply. If you don't know how to do this, please let me know. If you have been a member of the dbzml in the past, I apologize for the new member-screening policy, and I thank you for your cooperation in helping to make this a better mailing list for all the members.

  1. Please tell me your name or handle, and the e-mail address that you want to subscribe to the dbml3.
  2. How do you unsubscribe from the dbml3?

When you have finished answering these questions, please send the answers to Answers sent to the wrong e-mail address will be ignored.

Thank you very much!

Jennifer - DBML3 list owner

The Dragonball Mailing List 3
For rules and info:
To unsubscribe, send email to

----End Message----

Contents of this page and all source code © 1995-1999 Katrina Somers (modified by Jennifer Califf with permission) and may not be reproduced in any form, print or electronic, without express written permission.