Please note, this translation is VERY rough - parts of this were very difficult to translate. Believe it or not, I spent over two hours trying to figure out one of the sentences. If you can help with it in any way, I'll be very grateful. The most difficult parts are toward the end of the chapter, starting from page 25. Some of this grammar just isn't in my text books. ^_^ I can't figure out a translation that makes any sense for the word "miro", said by Max on page 22. I also don't know what the real name of the "kretzel" sonata is - I assume it's German. If any music fans out there know, please tell me.Thanks! G(GRAHAM)by Jun Mihara, translated by Jennifer Califf from the Hamidashikko bunko volume 2This webpage uses S-JIS encoded Japanese text (Pg19)「グレアム」というのはセカンドネームでファーストネームは「サーザ」といい ます。けれどこれはクリスチャンネームでグレアムは神様がよく解らないので 「サーザ」という名を使うのをやめたのです。 "Graham" is his second name; his first name is "Saza". Although this is a Christian name, Graham doesn't believe in God - he no longer uses the name "Saza". みんな GRAHAMの"G"はGENTLENESS(優しさ)の"G"だと言います--------------が グレアムは「ちがうよ」と言いたげに目をふせてしまいます。 Everyone says that the "G" in GRAHAM is the "G" in GENTLENESS------------ but, "That's wrong," Graham argues, looking down and closing his eyes. (Pg20)グレアムはピアノをひくのが上手です Graham plays the piano well. グレアムはクロイツェルソナタという曲が好きです He likes a song called the "Kretzel Sonata". この曲は本当はバイオリンソナタでバイオリンとピアノとで演奏する曲なのです This piece is actually a violin sonata; a song to be performed by violin and piano. 昔 誰かがグレアムの傍らでバオリンをひいていたのです Long ago there was someone by Graham's side who would play the violin. (Pg21)仲間3人にはそれが誰なのかわからないのですが. . . . . His three friends don't know about that person but . . . グレアムが遠い眼差しで確かにその人を見ているのを感じるのです by the far-away look in his eye, they sense that he is surely seeing that person. A: アハン! Ahem! S: へたくそ! You suck! A: うるせエ! Shut up! A: チューニングが悪かったんだな. . . .こいつは It's just badly tuned. . . .you little. . . (Pg22)S&M: よ~~! へたくそ Yo~~! You suck! A: だまれ!オレのせいじゃない Knock it off! It's not my fault! A: このバイオリンがおかしいんだ!! This violin is strange!! G: 弓. . .たるみっぱなしでひいてたんだよ. . . The bow. . .You can blame your playing on the looseness of the bow. . . G: ね! Right! S: へたくそアンジー! ドジアンジー You suck, Angie! Screwed it up, Angie! M: ザマア ミロ! Serves you right! Miro! G: はい これでいいよ Here, this should be good. A: うん Okay. A: オレ ピアノひいてる邪魔しようとしたんじゃないんだ! I just can't play with the piano interrupting me! G: わかってるよ I understand. グレアムは滅多に怒りません そうしていつも優しいのです。 Graham rarely gets angry and is always kind. (Pg23)M: あのおじさん白い杖ついてるよ That man uses a white cane! G: うん!目が不自由なんだね That's right! It's because he's blind. M: おじさん どこいくの? 手をひいてあげようか? Mister, where are you going? Do you want to take my hand and I'll lead you there? Blind Man: フン! なんとか言って 私をからかいに来おったな! ガキめ Humph! You're only saying that to try to play some kind of trick on me! Little brat! M: ちがうよ ボク You're wrong! I. . . Blind Man: 人をバカにしおって! どけどけ! よるな You think I'm a fool! Get out of the way! Don't come near me! G: あぶない マックス! Look out, Max! A: 何すんだ この野郎! What are you doing, you bastard! G: アンジー Angie A: だって グレアム 手. . . But Graham, your hand. . . Blind Man: フン! Humph! G: きっと あの人 子供にからかわれたことがあるんだよ. . .だから Undoubtedly, some kid played a prank on that guy before . . . that's why G: 目が見えないってのは怖いもんだよ. . .片目でも. . .両目なら尚更ね It's scary, not being able to see. . .from one eye, but . . . both eyes would be even worse. G: 被害妄想にもなるさ. . . He became afraid that everyone was trying to hurt him. . . (Pg24)A: ハン! Yeah! A: それにしても乱暴だよ Even so, he's still rude! G: 杖. . .単に近寄らせまいとしただけで あてるつもりじゃなかったとしたら? . . . That cane. . .maybe we simply got too close, but what if he wasn't planning to hit us? G: 彼には見えなかったのに. . . That man couldn't see. . . G: 罪悪感を持たせろって言うの? What if the things we say cause him to feel bad? A: お優しいことで! 考え過ぎだよ!けがしたのはおまえなのに What a kind thing to say! That's an afterthought! The one who got hurt was you. 罪悪感に責められるのを恐れているのはグレアムの方なのです. . .人の心は見え ないので見えないため知らずに傷つけるかもしれない怖さに滅多に怒鳴りもしな いのです It's Graham's way to fear causing others to feel bad. . .one cannot see the human heart - because of this blindness he rarely yells, fearing that he might unknowingly inflict a wound. だからグレアムは「優しいね」と言われると「ちがうよ」と言いたげに目をふせ てしまいます And so it is said that Graham is "gentle", and he argues that that is "wrong" while averting his gaze. G: え? Yes? グレアムの口から他人の悪口や愚痴を聞くことも滅多にありません The foul language and complaints that other people use are rarely ever heard coming from Graham's mouth. S: だから. . .いろんな想いを. . .心に押え込んじゃうのって. . .苦しいよね . . . So. . .all those memories. . .keeping them all in your heart. . .it's painful, isn't it. . . S: グレアム. . . Graham. . . S: . . .いいの? . . .Are you okay? G: いいんだよ. . . I'm fine. . . G: いいんだ Just fine. (Pg25)G: いいんだ----ボクはいつか行くんだ I'm fine---someday I'll go. G: どうしようもない位に寒い地へー!寒い地へ凍てついた地へ To a cold world of unequalled frostbite! To a cold world; to a frozen world. G: そしてそこでボクはもう何が起きようと----誰が何を想おうと---何も考えな い! And there, when nothing else will happen --- when no one will remember anything --- I won't think about anything! G: 誰が泣こうと傷つこうと知っちゃいないのさ! I won't know when anyone cries or is hurt! G: 寒さにこの身をがんじがらめにされたならちゃちな罪悪感などかなぐり捨てら れるだろう I think this body will be flung into the cold, firmly bound by cheap guilt and bad feelings. G: どう生きていくかなんてもうどうでもいい!! Anyway of living is fine!! G: 生きのびる為にだけ生きるんだ! I'll live only for the sake of prolonging life! G: ボクは行くんだ! I'll go! (Pg26)?: ねエ. . . Hey. . . ?: ねエ. . .グレアム. . . hey. . .Graham. . . S: どこを見てるの? Where were you looking? M: どうしたの? What's wrong? G: . . .うん 北極か南極かで暮らしてみたいと思うってね . . .Well, I was thinking that I'd like to try to live at either the North Pole or the South Pole. S: そんな所大変だよ Those sort of places are awful! M: グレアム人間じゃなくペンギンならよかったのにね Not Graham the human, but Graham the Penguin would be happy. G: アハッ Aha グレアムが遠い眼差しで何かを見ている時にはその先の世界にグレアムペンギン がいてグレアムの送る想いを受けとめているのです When Graham is looking at something with a distant expression, in the world of that destination lives Graham-penguin and Graham stops in order to send his thoughts. けれどグレアムはグレアムペンギンの代りができずに淋しがってる人間がいる事 は知らないのです But while Graham can substitute Graham-penguin, he doesn't know that there is a person who misses him.
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